
GitHub as OAuth Identity Provider

To use GitHub as Auth Provider, you must setup a so-called "OAuth App". You can do so in your Github Profile > Settings

On GitHub the creation of an OAuth Client Registration is comparatively simple.

After configuring the Callback URLs, you can "Generate a new client secret".

Make sure you copy the client secret directly, as it is displayed only once. Later you cannot copy it again.

Now you go back to Lowcoder Settings > Auth Providers and click "Add OAuth Provider" and select GitHub from the list of Auth Providers.

You can copy and paste now the Client ID and Client Secret from the GitHub Client App Registration.

Thats it! Now you can invite new Users to Lowcoder. They can choose GitHub to Sign Up (register) or Sign in / log in.

When users chose to Sign in or Sign up with GitHub, they will get redirected to the GitHub Login page of the registered Client App

Here they have to Authorize your registered Client App to act and impersonate your users.

Last updated


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