JavaScript query

There are cases where you want to orchestrate operations, for instance, after triggering two queries, you want to combine and store their results to a temporary state, and then open a modal. This process can be complicated when chaining several event handlers, and certainly cannot be done in one line of code in {{ }}. That's where JavaScript (JS) query comes into play. It unleashes the ability to interact with components and queries by writing complex JS queries to achieve the following operations:

  • Interact with UI components

  • Trigger queries

  • Access third-party JS libraries

  • Customize functions

The following example is for you to quickly understand what JS query is and how it works.

Use JS query to join query results

SQL query query1 reads id, first_name, last_name and tid fields from table players in a PostgreSQL database.

select id, first_name, last_name, tid from players

SQL query query2 reads tid, city and name fields from table teams in a PostgreSQL database.

select tid, city, name from teams

Use a JS query to left join query1 and query2 on the same tid in the following steps.

  1. Create query3, and choose Run JavaScript Code.

  2. Insert the following code.

    return Promise.all([,]).then(
      data => join(data[0], data[1]),
      error => {}
    function join(players, teams) {
      return => {
        const team = teams.find(t => player.tid === t.tid);
        return { ...player, };

    In this code snippet, the Promise.all() method receives the results of query1 and query2, and the join() method joins their results after a successful run based on the values of tid field.\

Return data

Use return syntax to return result. For example, the following code returns 3.

return Math.floor(3.4)

The result returned can also be a Promise object. For example, returns a Promise object.


The return statement is not necessary for scenarios where you want to omit results.

Access data

Use JS queries to access data in your app. Notice that there's no need to use {{ }} notation.

var data = [input1.value,, fileUpload.files[0].name];

Control component

In JS queries, you can use methods exposed by components to interact with UI components in your app. Such operation is not supported by the inline JS code in {{}}.

// set the value of input1 to "Hello"

The input1.setValue() method (or other component methods) is asynchronous and returns a Promise object. Accessing input1.value immediately after setting the value of input1 does not return the updated value.

Run query

run() method and callbacks

Call run() method to run other queries, for example:

return; // run a query and it returns a Promise

The return value of is a Promise, so you can attach callbacks to handle the successful result or error.

  data => { // after query runs successfully
      return "hello, " + data.user_fullname; 
  error => { // after query runs in failure
    // use built-in message function to pop up an error message
    message.error("An error occured when fetching user: " + error.message); 

Pass in parameters

You can pass parametes in the run() method to decouple query implementation from its parameters.{
    param1: value1,
    param2: value2

For example, in SQL query query1, you can define name and status as parameters that need to be passed in for its execution.

select * from users 
     user_name = {{ name }} 
    user_status = {{ status }}

Then you can pass in corresponding parameters to query1.{
  name: "Bob",
  status: 0 
  data => { // after query1 runs successfully
    console.log("The result is" + JSON.stringify(data)); 
  error => { // after query1 runs failed
    console.log("An error occured," + error.message);

Demo 1

When you have several inputs in an app triggering the same query, passing parameters to this query allows you to reuse it anywhere.

-- query1: 
select id, name, gender, address from users where id={{numberInput1.value}}
-- query2: 
select id, name, gender, address from users where id={{}}
-- query3: 
select id, name, gender, address from users where id={{select1.value}}

Things might get fuzzy when you want to update SQL implementations, because you have to carefully check and update all duplicated queries. Now you can be relieved of this repeated SQL by introducing query parameters.

-- just write the SQL once, and extract its parameter {{id}}: 
select id, name, gender, address from users where id= {{id}}

Then trigger this query in Run JavaScript of event handlers in each of the inputs.

Demo 2

You can find another demo for using passed-in paramter queries here.

Trigger a query

Sometimes, we need to trigger a query in relation to an event, e.g. After Page/App loads or After some query has been executed or after some Timeout interval. In Lowcoder app, we provide these options to fulfil such requirements :

  1. When Inputs Change

  2. After Query Execution

  3. After Application ( Page ) loads and Timeout

  4. When the Application ( Page ) loads

  5. Only when you trigger it manually

Declare a function

You can declare functions inside a JS query for better readability.

// Whether the first number is a multiple of the second number
function isMultiple(num1, num2) {
      return num1 % num2 === 0;
// Call the moment library to return the current date
function getCurrentDate() {
      return moment().format("YYYY-MM-DD");

Add preloaded scripts

Lowcoder supports importing third-party JS libraries and adding predefined JS code, such as adding global methods or variables for reuse either at app-level or workspace-level. You can find the app-level settings in ⚙️ > Other > Scripts and style.

For workspace-level, go to ⚙️ Settings > Advanced.

In JavaScript tab, you can add preloaded JavaScript code to define global methods and variables and then reuse them in your app. For importing libraries, see .


For security reasons, several global variables and functions of window are disabled in Lowcoder. Please report to our GitHub or Discord if you encounter any issues.

Last updated

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