Use the Image component to present information in your apps in a vivic way. Lowcoder supports you adding an image via URL and base64 encoded data.
Drag the Image component onto the canvas or into a Container. Click the Image component, and the Properties tab is displayed on the right. You can set the URL to display an image.
Base64 encoded data
You can also insert an image via base64 encoded data. Ensure that the encoded image source starts with data:image/PICTURE_FORMAT;base64,
or simplydata:image;base64,
Don't miss the comma at the end of the prefix:
Demo: upload and display an image
One common use case for base64 image display would be combining a File Upload component with an Image component.
Here is JS code that concatenates the prefix with the encoded base64 data of the uploaded file via file1.value[0]
Set click preview for an image
Toggle Support click preview in the Properties tab to allow users to preview the image in its full size. Hover your mouse over the image, and you see 👁 Preview. Then, you can click to preview.
Set the style of an image
In Properties > Style, change border color and set Border radius in pixels or by percentage.
Insert/Retrieve an Image into/from Database
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