API reference Lowcoder

The Base URL of the Lowcoder API depends on your installation.

Single Docker Deployment

The Base URL of the API is the same as for the Frontend. In local installations for example:


Multi-Docker Deployment

In a Multi-Docker Deployment, you will have an individual IP address or Domain for the API-Service Container. This is then the Base URL for the Lowcoder API.


When you run Multi-Docker Deployment on Localhost, you will need to look for the Bridge-Network Settings that apply to your setup.


To use the API of the Cloud Version, the API is to reach via the separate API Service.


Since Lowcoder v2.1.6 we publish the OpenAPI Specification and the Swagger Documentation automatically.

Swagger Documentation: <Lowcoder-Location>/api/docs/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html#
OpenAPI Specification: <Lowcoder-Location>/api/docs/api-docs

You can find the current API Documentation for example here: https://api-service.lowcoder.cloud/api/docs/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html#/

Last updated