Embed Apps in NEXT.JS

Native embedding in your NEXT.JS -based Web App

First, install the Lowcoder SDK. Lowcoder publishes with every Version Release, a new version of Lowcoder SDK too. https://www.npmjs.com/package/lowcoder-sdk


yarn add lowcoder-sdk


npm install lowcoder-sdk

Integrate a Lowcoder App or Module into your existing app

  1. Publish your app/module in Lowcoder.

  2. Set the app/module's access privilege as public.

  3. Add code in your existing app as below.

Import CSS Styles

import "lowcoder-sdk/dist/style.css";

Embed Lowcoder Apps

  • Create Wrapper Component to Embed Lowcoder Apps

"use client"
import { LowcoderAppView } from "lowcoder-sdk";

function LowcoderAppWrapper(props) {
  const { appId } = props;
  return (
    <section style={{marginTop: '2rem'}}>
      <div style={{
        display: 'flex',
        justifyContent: 'space-between',
        alignItems: 'center',
        <h1>Lowcoder App</h1>

export default LowcoderAppWrapper;
  • Dynamically import the LowcoderAppWrapper component in the file where you want to embed the Lowcoder app

const LowcoderAppWrapper = dynamic(
  () => import('../components/LowcoderAppWrapper'), {ssr: false}
  • Now, we can embed our Lowcoder app by just passing the appId to the imported LowcoderAppWrapper component.


Embed Lowcoder Modules

  • Create Wrapper Component to Embed Lowcoder Modules

"use client"
import { useRef } from "react";
import { LowcoderAppView } from "lowcoder-sdk";

function LowcoderModuleWrapper(props) {
  const { appId } = props;
  const appRef = useRef();
  return (
    <section style={{marginTop: '2rem'}}>
      <div style={{
        display: 'flex',
        justifyContent: 'space-between',
        alignItems: 'center',
        <h1>Lowcoder Module</h1>
          onClick={() => {
          Invoke module method

export default LowcoderModuleWrapper;
  • Dynamically import the LowcoderModuleWrapper component in the file where you want to embed the Lowcoder Module

const LowcoderModuleWrapper = dynamic(
  () => import('../components/LowcoderModuleWrapper'), {ssr: false}
  • Now, we can embed our Lowcoder module by just passing the appId to the imported LowcoderModuleWrapper component.



The result of the above code in NEXT.JS App is shown below in the Demo. The List component with Yellow background is the Lowcoder App and the Table component is the Lowcoder Module :


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© Lowcoder Software LTD